History, Timeline & Facts
about Egypt

Information & facts about Egypt History with a Timeline

History, Timeline & Facts about Egypt

Interesting facts about the Ancient Egyptians
Egypt is one of the major tourist attractions in the World. The civilisation and culture of the Ancient Egyptians has intrigued people for many years. Their tombs, their fabulous wealth their architecture. The pyramids, the sphinx, hieroglyphics and the Pharaohs all add to the intrigue, mystery and interest in the Ancient Egyptians. The fascination for the past results in the tourist interest of today.


History, Timeline & Facts about Egypt

Modern History, Timeline & Facts about Egypt

Concise Modern History of Egypt (please click the following link for History, Timeline & Facts about Ancient Egypt )

1100s Christian Crusaders from Europe invade Egypt
1168 The Fatimid ruler receives help from Saladin who forces the Crusaders out of Egypt
1171 Saladin overthrows the Fatimid ruler and becomes the sultan of Egypt forming the Ayyubid dynasty
1250 The Mamelukes seized control of Egypt andBaybars, the Mameluke general, became sultan
1517 Ottoman forces invaded Egypt
Mid 1700s The Ottomans and the Mamelukes competed for Egyptian control
1798 Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt and the Mamelukes were defeated in the Battle of the Pyramids
1801 The French were forced out of Egypt by the Ottomans, with the help of the British
1805 - 1849 Muhammad Ali, an officer in the Ottoman army, established himself as the ruler of Egypt and the Mamelukes
1854-1863 Said Pasha ruled Egypt
1859 The construction of the Suez Canal began
1869 The Suez Canal opened and the British bought the Egyptian shares
Late 1800s-Early 1900s The Egyptian khdive ruled Egypt overseen by British administrators
1914-1918 World War I
1914 Egypt becomes a British protectorate
1922 Egypt is granted its independence and an Egyptian constitutional monarchy is established
1939 - 1945 World War II
1940 Italian and German troops invade Egypt to try and capture the Suez Canal
1942 The Allies halt the German advance in the Battle of El Alamein
1945 Egypt formed the Arab League with other Arab nations
1947 The United Nations vote to divide Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state
1948 Israel was formed which prompted Egypt and other Arab nations to go to war
June 1953 Egypt was declared a republic
1950s Egypt supported the Palestinian Arabs to regain control of Palestine from the Israelis
October 1956 Israel invaded Egypt and occupied the Sinai Peninsula
1958 Syria and Egypt formed a political union called the United Arab Republic
1961 Syria withdrew from the U.A.R.
5 June 1967 The Six Day War
1968 The Aswan High Dam opened
1971 Sadat changed the official name of the country to the Arab Republic of Egypt
1978 The Camp David Accords and Sadat meets with Israeli Prime Minster Menachem Begin in the USA. The agreement guaranteed the return of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt
1979 Egypt was removed from the Arab League, because other Arab nations felt the Sadat had given up too much in the agreements with Israel

Concise Modern History of Egypt - please click the following link for History, Timeline & Facts about Ancient Egyptians

For detailed information about Life in Ancient Egypt we highly recommend the following website:
King Tut and Ancient Egypt

History, Timeline & Facts about Egypt

  • Facts about Hieroglyphics - a system of writing, such as that of ancient Egypt, in which pictorial symbols are used to represent meaning or sounds or a combination of meaning and sound

  • Facts about the Pyramids at Giza
    • The Great Pyramid is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

    • An estimated 20,000 to 30,000 workers built the Pyramids at Giza over a period of 80 years.
  • Facts about the Sphinx - A figure in Egyptian myth having the body of a lion and the head of a man, ram, or hawk.
  • The most famous Sphinx is the Great Sphinx at Giza. The entire length of the Great Sphinx at Giza is 150 feet long, the head is 30 feet long and 14 feet wide and the paws themselves are 50 feet long.
  • The Great Sphinx dated to within a few years of 2500 BC.
  • Facts about the riddle of the Sphinx. ( This is attributed to Greek mythology, the Sphinx of Thebes from Greek mythology who asked this riddle of all travellers who passed by. If the traveller failed to solve the riddle, then the Sphinx would kill them )
  • What is the riddle of the Sphinx?
    • "What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?"

  • What is the answer to the riddle of the Sphinx
    • "A man. He crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two legs as an adult, and walks with a cane in old age."

    • The Sphinx riddle refers to morning, noon, and night which are metaphors for the times in a man's life
  • What was a Pharoah? A Pharaoh was a king of ancient Egypt - the most famous of the Pharaohs are detailed on the Timeline below.
  • Facts about Egyptian Mummys:
    • Ancient Egyptians believed that when the pharaoh died that his spirit stayed within his body and that he became Osiris, king of the dead.

    • The Ancient Egyptians believed that if they did not take proper care of the corpse then the dead Pharoah would not be able to perform his duties in the Afterworld and that disaster would befall Egypt.
    • The dead pharaoh was therefore mummified, which preserved his body.
    • The process of mummification involved removing all moisture and internal organs, drying the body and anointing it with preserving chemicals
  • Facts about the tombs of the Pharaohs of Egypt:
    • The Pharaoh was buried with fabulous treasures to ensure he would have a good life in the afterworld

    • The Pyramids were built as monuments to the Pharaohs
    • The tombs of Pharaohs were believed to hold a curse
      • "Death comes on wings to he who enters the tomb of a pharaoh."

      • Howard Carter entered King Tutankhamen's burial chamber on February 17, 1923
      • On March 6, Lord Carnarvon, who funded the expedition to open the tomb, was bitten on the cheek by a mosquito
      • The mosquito bite became infected, he contracted pneumonia, and he died on April 5
      • This fuelled the belief that the tombs of Pharaohs were cursed and that the most dire punishment would befall anyone who raided the tomb
      • It is believed that the Ancient Egyptians spread secret poisons before sealing a tomb

History, Timeline & Facts about Egypt
We hope that the Ancient Egyptians History Timeline & Facts has provided you with the information you have been searching for. We believe that the concise Ancient Egyptians History Timeline & Facts is full of interesting facts and history about the bygone times of  the Ancient Egyptians.

Pharaoh - Pharaohs - Giza - Pyramid - Great - Tombs - Mummys - Hieroglyphics - Sphinx - Riddle - Curse - Mummification - Osiris - Tutankhamen - Howard Carter - Lord Carnarvon

History, Timeline & Facts about Egypt

Interesting - Ancient Egyptians - History - Timeline - Pharaoh - Pharaohs - Giza - Pyramid - Great - Tombs - Mummys - Hieroglyphics - Sphinx - Riddle - Curse - Mummification - Osiris - Tutankhamen - Howard Carter - Lord Carnarvon - Timelines - Egypt - History - Facts - Cool - Interesting - List - Facts - Info - Information - Brief - Interesting - Weird - Amazing - Great - Timeline - Timelines - Egypt - History - Facts - Cool - Interesting - List - Ancient Egyptians - History - Egypt - Timeline - Egypt - Facts - Interesting - List - Famous - Great - Events - Description - Important - Critical - Ancient History - Ancient Egyptians - History - Egypt - Timeline - Egypt - Facts - Cool - Interesting - List - Annals - Antiquity - Arts - Biography - Background - Case History - Chronological Record - Cognition - Continuum - Ancient Egyptians - History - Egypt - Timeline - Egypt - Facts - Cool - Interesting - List - Interesting - Fast - Timeline - Ancient Egyptians - History - Egypt - Timeline - Egypt - Facts - Cool - Interesting - List - Humanities - Knowledge - Life - Life History - Catalog - Past - Past Times - Recital - Record - Yesteryear - Yore - Days Gone By - Days Of Yore - Pharaoh - Pharaohs - Giza - Pyramid - Great - Tombs - Mummys - Hieroglyphics - Sphinx - Riddle - Curse - Mummification - Osiris - Tutankhamen - Howard Carter - Lord Carnarvon - Former Times - Historiography - Narration - Narrative - Past - Past History - Past Times - Portrayal - Profile - Yesterday - Yesteryear - Ancient Egyptians - History - Egypt - Timeline - Egypt - Facts - Cool - Interesting - List - Pharaoh - Pharaohs - Giza - Pyramid - Great - Tombs - Mummys - Hieroglyphics - Sphinx - Riddle - Curse - Mummification - Osiris - Tutankhamen - Howard Carter - Lord Carnarvon - Written By Linda Alchin